Here is the full list of services available in GPS TechTracker system.
Service | Description |
Admin fields | Allows to create admin fields in the properties of the unit, user or group (on the Custom Fields tab); defines the available quantity (in total) and the cost of such fields. |
Advanced reports | Allows to use advanced reports, i.e., reports by unit groups, users, drivers, trailers, as well as groups of drivers and trailers (except for the Log table for users and unit groups). Works within Reports module. |
Commands | Activates the corresponding tab in the Unit Properties dialog; defines the quantity (total for all units) and cost of commands. |
Create resources | Activates the button to create resources and accounts on the corresponding panel (available only in CMS Manager). |
Create unit groups | Activates the button to create unit groups in the corresponding panel. |
Create units | Activates the button to create units in the corresponding panel. |
Create users | Activates the button to create users in the corresponding panel. |
Custom fields | Activates the corresponding tab in the properties of the unit, user or group; defines cost and quantity (in total) of custom fields; does not affect drivers and trailers. |
Dashboard | Activates the Dashboard page. |
Drivers | Activates the Drivers module and defines cost and quantity of drivers; if disabled, the Drivers panel is not shown, and any mentioning of drivers disappears from notifications, user settings, and SMS dialog. |
Еmail notifications | Allows to send notifications by email. Recommended limitation — 10 reports per hour (not to overload the server). |
Еmail reports | Allows to send a report by email (within the Jobs module). Recommended limitation — 10 reports per hour (to avoid server overload). |
Eco driving | Activates Eco Driving tab in the Unit properties dialog, as well as the same-name table in reports. Besides, Eco driving app does not work without this service. |
Fleetrun | Activates access to the Fleetrun app. |
Geofences | Activates the Geofences module and defines the cost and quantity of geofences; if disabled, the Geofences panel is not shown, and any mention of geofences disappears from reports and user settings. |
Google (custom) | Allows to regulate access to the Google maps, geocoding, and routing for the lower-level accounts. This service works with the key provided by the user. |
Google (standard) | Allows to regulate access to the Google maps, geocoding, and routing for the lower-level accounts. This service works with the key purchased from Gurtam. |
GPRS traffic | Allows to control GPRS traffic through jobs, notifications, reports, and unit properties. |
Groups of drivers | Defines the available quantity and cost of driver groups; works within the Drivers module. |
Groups of geofences | Defines the available quantity and cost of geofence groups; works within the Geofences module. |
Groups of trailers | Defines the available quantity and cost of trailer groups; works within the Trailers module. |
Groups of passengers | Defines the quantity and cost of passenger groups; works within the Passengers module. |
Import/Export | Enables access to the dialogs of import/export in the user menu; activates the Create from WLP button in the Units panel and the Export in file button in the unit properties dialog. |
Jobs | Activates the Jobs panel and defines the available quantity and cost of jobs. |
Locator | Activates the Locator option in the user menu. |
Maintenance | Defines the available quantity and cost of the service intervals; if activated, the Service Intervals tab appears in the Unit Properties dialog, maintenance can be registered in the Monitoring panel, and the corresponding notifications and reports appear. |
Management system | Access to CMS Manager. |
Messages | Access to the Messages panel. |
MGRS | The service allows to activate the MGRS grid for Gurtam Maps. |
Mobile client | Activates access to GPS TechTracker mobile client. |
Mobile notifications | Activates the corresponding action in notifications, as well as the tab in the Manage Applications dialog (in user menu). |
NimBus | Activates access to the NimBus app. |
Notices to users | Allows to receive notices from the administrator of the service. |
Notifications | Activates the Notifications panel and defines the cost and allowed quantity of notifications. |
Orders | Activates access to the Logistics application and allows to generate corresponding reports either on units or drivers. |
Passengers | Activates the Passengers panel and defines the cost and quantity of passengers. |
Profile | Activates the Profile tab in the Unit Properties dialog and the same-name table in the reports. |
Quick Start | Access to the Quick Start tutorial. For the sites with a personal design, there is no video from GPS TechTracker in the Quick Start. |
Reports | Activates the Reports module and defines the cost and allowed quantity of report templates; if disabled, associated jobs and notifications disappear and the trip detector cannot be used. |
Resources | Activates the Accounts panel in CMS Manager; defines the quantity and cost of resources and accounts. |
Retranslators | Allows to transmit messages from units to other servers and systems; activates the corresponding panel in CMS Manager; defines the allowed quantity and cost of retranslators. |
Route rounds | Allows to create routes and defines the number of allowed rounds and their cost (within the Routes module). |
Route schedules | Allows to create schedules and defines the number of allowed schedules and their cost (within the Routes module). |
Routes | Activates the Routes module — enables the Routes panel and associated reports and notifications. |
SDK | Remote access to the system via SDK and access to Apps. |
Sensors | Activates the corresponding tab and defines the number of sensors (calculated for all units in overall) and their cost. |
Site access | Here you can allow/deny access to different sites within your system (like GPS TechTracker Mobile v2, extra sites, etc). |
SMS messages | Defines the number and cost of text messages. |
Tachograph | Activates the Driver activity and Infringements tables in reports on drivers. |
Toll roads | Activates the Toll roads mileage and Toll roads cost columns in the Trips report and adds the corresponding statistics fields in the advanced settings of a report template. The service uses the Platon toll system. |
Trailers | Activates the Trailers panel and defines the cost and quantity of trailers. |
Unit deactivation | Allows to view the information about deactivated units. Top-level users and users with dealer rights are also able to deactivate units. |
Unit groups | Defines the cost and quantity of unit groups. |
Units | Activates the corresponding panel and defines the cost and quantity of units. |
Users | Activates the corresponding panel and defines the cost and quantity of users. |
Video | Activates the video surveillance mode. |
GPS TechTracker Mobile (2) | Allows to track units from a mobile phone (GPS TechTracker Mobile v2). If mobile service URL is different from, it can be disabled only through the Site access feature. |
Yandex (custom) | Allows to regulate access to the Yandex maps, geocoding, and routing for the lower-level accounts. This service works with the key provided by the user. |
Yandex (standard) | Allows to regulate access to the Yandex maps for the lower-level accounts. This service works with the key purchased from Gurtam. The following expansions are available to users: extensions (activates geocoding and routing services) and panorama (activates panorama services). |
Yandex (standard) — geocoding | Activates the geocoding for the Address tool, the Monitoring panel, the Messages panel, and the application Logistics. |
Yandex (standard) — panorama | Activates the viewing of panoramic images of the locality for Yandex Maps. |
Yandex (standard) — routing | Activates the possibility of building routes by Yandex Maps for the Routing tool. |
If you see Apps in front of a service name, it means this service is an application.
System Account
Top_account (an individual name for every client) is a top-level account. It is created automatically when a new service activated. The top-level account for every client is created with its own individual name, serving as the global service identifier in GPS TechTracker. The billing plan name and the account name are the same. This billing plan has all the available functionality by default. The top-level account is a system account, that is why the owner of the service does not have access rights to edit it or to edit its billing plan.
Therefore, the first obligatory step for the Top_account user is to create a management account.
Creating Accounts
Manager is the account which is created for the service management. It is created under a top-level account. Access rights and available capabilities of the Manager user can be restricted only by the Top_account user only. This account is considered to be the starting point for creating the proper account structure. Due to its high place in the hierarchy, the Manager user can create new accounts as well as manage them (change access rights, control payments, block, etc.). This account receives the same billing plan as the Top_account. All the necessary billing plan restrictions can be added to the account properties.
The next step for the Manager user is to estimate the number of connected end users. Depending on the result of this assessment, the corresponding account should be chosen and created (either Customer_Service or Major_Customer_Service).
Customer_Service is the account which is created for managing users with a small number of units (End_Customer_1,2,3). Such an account can be used in the sphere of personal tracking or private vehicle tracking. A set of user functions for this account includes creating, changing, controlling, and providing technical support for users/accounts belonging to it. The process of configuring account capabilities (manual enabling of the available functionality) for each end user can be quite time-consuming. Therefore, in order to automate this process, a set of ready-made billing plans (for example, Beginner, Advanced, Pre-Major) can be created in Customer_Service account. Note that these billing plans should be paid separately. Depending on the available functionality of the created billing plans, the level of service cost will vary.
The ideal structure presupposes the existence of an individual account for every end user, as well as the creation of units with necessary restrictions inside their own account (restriction on deleting a unit and its messages is considered to be the minimum required restriction).
Major_Customer_Service is the account for managing major clients with dozens/hundreds of units (Major_Customer_1,2,3). Such an account provides a possibility to activate individual special billing plan either for all major customers (Major_Customer_1,2,3) or for each customer individually. Major_Customer_Service can have a developed hierarchy of subordinate accounts with a structure similar to the structure of the entire service.
In addition, a separate place is occupied by the dealer account (see below).
Dealer_1 is the account for the dealer. The user-dealer possesses a high degree of independence, its own customer support service, as well as the maximum available functionality. The structure of the dealer subordinate accounts can be created similar to the whole service structure.