GPS TechTracker

To ensure the effective operation of the monitoring system, take into account the following limitations that exist in GPS TechTracker:

Limits for logins and sessions:

  • No more than 10 unsuccessful logins from one IP address per minute;
  • No more than 120 successful logins from one IP address per minute;
  • No more than 100 active sessions of one user from one IP address;
  • No more than 120 logins per minute.

If these limits are met, IP address will be temporarily blocked. It can cause difficulty to log in to the system.

Limits for messages:

  • No more than 15 million messages can be loaded by a user from one IP address;
  • No more than 15 million messages can be loaded by a user from one IP address within 2 minutes;
  • No more than 500 thousand messages can be imported from one IP address per minute;
  • No more than 1 message per second should be sent by a unit.
  • The maximum size of a file loaded while importing messages is 30 MB.

If these limits are met, messages stop being loaded or imported. It may cause difficulties in executing reports, building tracks, etc. If this happens, you can clear the TracksMessages, and Reports panels (or simply reload the page) and try again.

Limits for reports:

  • Online execution of a report takes up to 5 minutes;
  • No more than 200 executions within 5 minutes by a user from one IP address;
  • The maximum number of lines of a report is 400,000;
  • Report execution on jobs takes up to 10 minutes;
  • Report execution on notifications takes up to 5 minutes;
  • A user cannot execute in one hour the number of reports that is higher than the number the summary execution of which requires more than one hour.

When the timeout is exceeded, report execution will be aborted. That means the report will not be generated. In this case, diminish time interval, number of analyzed objects, or the scope of requested data (tables, charts, etc.).

Limits for tracks:

  • During one session it is not possible to build more than 50 tracks in total in all panels (Tracks, Monitoring, Reports, Messages).

Other limits:

  • No more than 3 resource-intensive requests (e.g., message loading, report execution, etc.) can be processed simultaneously in a session.
  • No more than 10 API requests can be processed simultaneously during one session.
  • No more than 3 map tracings can be processed simultaneously during one session.
  • Within one session no more than 10 ‘avl_evts’ requests can be processed within 10 seconds.
  • It is not possible to create more than 31,744 micro objects of each type (geofences, jobs, notifications, drivers, trailers, passengers and report templates) in one resource.
  • The maximum number of points of a geofence saved from a track cannot exceed 10,000. If the number of points of a track is more than 10,000, it is saved as several geofences.
  • It is possible to edit a geofence if the number of its points does not exceed 5000.
  • In the top-level account, the maximum number of macro objects of each type (resources, retranslators, routes, unit groups, users) cannot exceed the number of units available to this account. All limitations on the number of objects are specified in the top-level account properties.
  • The total number of objects (notifications, reports, resources, retranslators, routes, units, groups of units, users) created in the account cannot exceed the number of units in the system available to this account. For some objects there is a reset interval: for notifications and reports — once an hour, for retranslators and routes — once a day.
  • The total number of retransmitted units in all retranslators of the account cannot exceed the number of units in the system available to this account.
  • The total number of objects (notifications, reports, resources, retranslators, routes, units, groups of units, users), as well as retransmitted units created in the subordinate account, cannot exceed the number of units available to the parent account.
  • The size of a message in an imported WLB file cannot exceed 10 MB.