Real Time Monitor. Allow you to quickly and easily locate any vehicle or asset while it’s on the road or at a job site. Provides constant information to make up to date informed decisions and see trends as they develop.

Automated Alerts. Provides you unlimited customized alerts that get sent directly to your mobile device or email, where you will know the status of your vehicle or asset.

GeoFence Using the GeoFence update you can stay informed on fleet activity in any personalized GeoFence with Alerts or Reports; you know precisely when your fleet vehicles enter and exit the GeoFence and view your vehicle or asset in real time.

Reports Provide you multiple reports that will indicate insight into driver behavior, wasted fuel, unauthorized vehicle use, wasted time at job sites, and unwarranted overtime. Our GPS Tracking reports provide fleet owners with a powerful tool to increase billing and reduce costs.

Historical Data: With data being recorded on day one of using our tracking technology system, you’ll have fleet information on any desired date and time available in moments. Historical fleet data gives you the proper back up you need to monitor and document long term information.