Life Guarantee as long as you pay the monthly service and the device was purchased with us.
Bring your Gps equipment from another company, we can provide you service. * subject to equipment review.
100% Customized Platform *
Automatic charge to the account. No contracts.
About us
Service in all United States
GPS Technology Tracker
For over 15 years, GPS Tecchology Tracker has become one of the leading companies dedicated to provide telematic and wirless communication products, providing customized solutions to clientes across the nation.
Our company disigns, develops, manufactures and comercializes product, services and solutions in security, monitor, location and identification of assets. We develop a customized software for each customer.
We offer GPS tracking technology, specialized in fleet managment, recovery of stolen vehicles and more. We provide software so you can locate, control and manage your vehicles or assets.
GPS Technology Tracker has the technology that allows our clients to have a customized platform, in such a way that it will adapt with all your needs.

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